About the practice

To the wonderful patients of the Kathy Hurlburt, M.D. internal medicine clinic and to those who may want to join this group.
Our desire is to have a lifelong relationship with those for whom we provide medical care. Our standard is to provide the best quality medical care in Alaska. We value each one of you and want to help keep you as healthy as possible. We view this very much as a team effort on our part and yours. My daughter-in-law, Megan Hurlburt, RDN, also works in our clinic as a clinical dietician serving those who will benefit from her services.
Our nurses, and other staff, seek to get to know you and use their broad medical background when you call. They know when to access me, and when they can efficiently help resolve your issue themselves. We recognize that some of you try to schedule your office appointments around the availability of your “favorite” nurse.
Because we want to meet or coordinate all your health care needs, we want you to call us when you are sick or concerned, rather than going to an urgent care clinic, which doesn’t know you. If we can help you over the phone, we will. If that is not appropriate, we will make an appointment for me to see you either in person or via video telemedicine. We want you to save the emergency room for true emergencies. With my many years of experience in Anchorage I have developed strong relationships with sub-specialists in town to whom I regularly refer, using those I have found to provide the best outcomes. I am always ready to help you choose the best sub-specialist for your needs, and then I will remain in touch for your ongoing, and follow-up care. When you are in the hospital, I will normally visit you each day to see how you are doing, and to facilitate your continuity of care.
When you need hospitalization, I try to directly admit you to the appropriate hospital floor, in part to try to avoid the expensive, and time-consuming, Emergency Room visit that is often used in the hospital admission process. My staff and I work very hard to “run on time,” being respectful of your time. You will usually find our waiting room empty – but when I am infrequently behind schedule, I appreciate your understanding that this is due to an unexpected urgent issue that has come up with another patient. My staff is very good about scheduling the appropriate amount of time for your needs during your requested visit. I try to limit new patients to one a day because those visits require more time to soundly establish the relationship. I try to limit my schedule to 15 visits a day. While this is significantly less than many other clinics, I have found this greatly enhances the satisfaction of my patients, as well as mine, as your physician. As you know, this level of scheduling and taking time to truly listen to you, mandates that we must avoid “no shows” for appointments.
We normally only accept new patients who are 60 years old or less. We do not normally discharge any of our patients who age into Medicare eligibility as many clinics do. Consequently, more than a quarter of my patients are now on Medicare because of our longstanding “lifelong” relationship. We cherish those longstanding relationships, and each of you who are now on Medicare.
For those of you who are new patients, my staff will share our expectations regarding keeping appointments as well as payment. If you encounter any problems, or have concerns, we want you to let us know. My husband, Ward B. Hurlburt IV is our business manager, and is ready to hear your concerns. We also appreciate the many times you share your praises with my wonderful staff.
Kathy Joy Hurlburt, M.D.